Automne 2021: Table ronde autour des traductions de Shuggie Bain

*** Jeudi 23 septembre 2021, 17h-18h30, événement hybride (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris / en ligne) 

Traduire la classe et le lieu dans Shuggie Bain

Table-ronde avec l'auteur Douglas Stuart et quatre de ses traducteurs : Inger Limburg (néerlandais), Charles Bonnot (français), Shai Sendik (hébreux), et Hilde Stubhaug (norvègien).

événement organisé par Charles Bonnot (Sorbonne Nouvelle) et Tiffane Levick (Toulouse Jean-Jaurès) :, 

Présentation détaillée de l'évenement en anglais :

Initially published in the US by Grove Atlantic in February 2020, Douglas Stuart’s novel Shuggie Bain made its journey across the Atlantic in August 2020 where it was published by Picador in the UK. It has now been translated or is being translated in 37 countries, receiving the 2020 Booker Prize among countless other awards and nominations.  

Shuggie Bain explores the depths of the bond between alcoholic Glaswegian Agnes Bain and her youngest son across eleven years of their life. It has enchanted readers worldwide with its insightful and poignant examination of class dynamics, addiction, and sexuality, as well as its creative manipulation of dialect. In both the dialogue and the narration, Stuart offers his readers an array of colourful voices, giving life to women, men, and children doing what they can to get by in a city grappling with unemployment and poverty.

Join us on September 23rd for a discussion between author Douglas Stuart and four of his translators as they explore the role of language in communicating class and place, presenting contrasting solutions to the challenges posed by a powerful text anchored in the public housing schemes of 1980s Glasgow.

Présentation du livre en français disponible sur le site des Éditions Globe.

L'événement se déroulera à la Maison de la recherche de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 4 rue des Irlandais 75005 Paris, et diffusé en direct (le lien sera communiqué aux personnes inscrites)


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